
Senin, 22 Juni 2015

Air Handling Unit Schematic Diagram

Here is Air Handling Unit Schematic Diagram drawing
Air Handling Unit Schematic Diagram

Building Automotion System (BAS) Architecture - Drawing

Building Automotion System (BAS) Architecture - Drawing
Building Automotion System (BAS) Architecture

Air Cooled & Water Coolled Chiller Plant

Here is a layout of combining Air Cooled & Water Coolled Chiller system.The Chiller placed on the roof top of building.
Chiller Plant Layout
Click here for another layout drawing

Water Cooled Chiller Schematic Diagram

Chilled Water piping schematic diagram
Chilled Water piping schematic diagram
Cooling Tower water piping schematic diagram
Cooling Tower water piping schematic diagram
Click here for chiller layout drawing

Chiller Plant Layout

Air Cooled Chiller Plant Plan Example - Drawing
chiller plant plan

Click here for Chiller Piping Schematic

Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

P&ID Fuel Terminal - Example Drawing

P&ID Fuel Terminal - Example Drawing
P&ID of Fuel Terminal

P&ID of Fuel Terminal - air ballast

P&ID of Fuel Terminal - clean water

click here for another sample drawing

Domestic Water Distribution at Housing - Example Drawing

Domestic Water Distribution at Housing - Example Drawing
Domestic water schematic diagram

Domestic water ground floor plan

Domestic water 1st  floor plan

Domestic water Roof  floor plan

Domestic water detail & Isometric view

click here for another sample drawing